Number of People Who Work in Australia Hits Record High

For several months in a row, Australian employment has continued to grow. In April 2017, according to ABS, employment had grown by 37,400 exceeding the expectation of a 5,000 employee increase. The previous month, there had been a gain of 60,900 workers, and that had been predicted at 60,000. Australia Immigration Professionals is a private […]
Australia – One of the Best Countries in the World

The Commonwealth of Australia includes the entire continent of Australia as well as various islands, the largest of which is Tasmania.
Australian Economy in Great Shape

Savanth Sebastian, senior economist at CommSec, reported that Australians are in a very good place economically due to the large amount of wealth at their disposal. While Australia has a large debt, it is often forgotten that it is balanced out with the amount of wealth in the country.
AIP Visa Experts Explain About the GSM Skilled Nominated Visa

The GSM Subclass-190 Skilled (Nominated) Visa is a Permanent Resident Visa to Australia that approves a person to live and work permanently in Australia.
About the GSM Skilled Regional (Provisional) Visa

The GSM Subclass-489 Skilled Regional (Provisional) Visa is an Australian temporary work visa that permits a person and his/her family to study, work, and live in a specific Australian region for up to four years.
How Can Australia Immigration Professionals Help You?

Australian Migration Agent Kadoury Migration Services is owned and operated by Michael Kadoury, a registered Australian Migration Agent. Michael’s business provides personalized immigration services to businesses and people by helping them get through the difficult immigration system in Australia. Michael assists the team at Australia Immigration Professionals by providing information needed for clients who apply […]
The Strong Australian Economy: 25 Years Without a Recession

In September 2016, Australia reached a significant milestone which made Australians the envy of the world.